Nurses Educated in PR & MX
Needed to Work in the USA
We are looking for nurses with completed studies in Nursing educated in Puerto Rico & México to work in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities in USA
No Webinars Available at this time.
As a service of appreciation to the nursing community, RDC Nurses provides virtual, group and free information sessions several times a year.
These consist in general information on how RDC works as an employment agency, the NCLEX® exam, preparation, and licensing procedures in the US.
As a thank you to the nursing community, RDC has taken the time to gather information on these important topics that might help answer your questions. The NCLEX® Exam is processed directly with the nursing board of the corresponding state, there are 50 states and each one has its respective board.
If you’re looking to learn more about how RDC works as a Recruiting Agency or information about the NCLEX® Exam/Preparation/Licensing, feel free to visit the links below to learn more.
**Due to limited time and staff, RDC does not offer NCLEX® Consultation Services or individual “guidance”.**
Much success to you in your nursing career!

Completed Associates or Bachelor’s degree in Nursing ✅
Fluent English/Spanish language proficiency ✅
Preferably with a minimum of 1 year of hospital or nursing home experience ✅
New graduates are welcome ✅
Willing to prepare for the NCLEX® Exam in a Virtual Setting ✅
Must pass NCLEX® exam ✅
Immediate availability to travel to the US ✅
Commitment of 24 to 36 months ✅
Hourly pay from $25.00 to $32.50 per hour to start ✅
Airfare and temporary Housing (30 to 90 days) ✅
Assistance with Licensing process for the NCLEX® Exam ✅
Bilingual preparation with RDC Nurses Virtual International NCLEX® Review ✅